Wordsworth Editions

Wordsworth Editions
Wordsworth Editions was established in 1987, but it was the launch in 1992 of the £1 Classic paperback, the brainchild of the late Michael Trayler, that put us in spotlight. This was back in the days before book prices could be discounted so the fact that we could offer titles at a fraction of the cost of existing editions caused something of a sensation, and made them irresistible to lovers of classic literature. 
Many years later the formula still works, except it's not just book lovers that buy them now. Schools with ever-shrinking budgets find that the extensive range of set books that we offer the perfect solution, and the exclusive introductions that most of our books include are a real bonus for the student. And it's not just in the U.K. that you'll find our books - around 40% are sold abroad to every continent, so wherever you are, you're never far from a Wordsworth Classic.
Всего найдено: 2
Артикул: 9781787330962
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