Student Book 5 ISBN: 9780008129415

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Your Life provides the only whole school solution for combining Citizenship and PSHE at Key Stage 3 and 4. The fourth editions of this bestselling series contains extensive materials on Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability. Section 1 – Personal well-being Developing your own values 1. Confronting social and moral issues 2. Exploring social and moral issues Managing your time and studies 3. Coping with revision 4. Coping with exams Marriage and commitment 5. Attitudes to marriage and commitment 6. Long term relationships Parenthood and parenting 7. Becoming a parent 8. Parenthood Thinking ahead 9. Your options at 16 10. Further education and training 11. Applying for jobs Section 2 – Social education Human rights 12. Protecting and Enforcing Human Rights 13. Human Rights Abuse 14. Refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants Global challenges 15. Poverty 16. World health 17. Education Media matters 18. The news agenda 19. A free media? 20. Privacy versus Public Interest Challenging offensive behaviour 21. Sexism and sexual harassment 22. Homosexuality and homophobia Section 3 – Keeping healthy Managing stress and depression 23. Stress 24. Depression Safer sex 25. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 26. HIV and AIDS Drugs and drug taking 27. Drugs – the risks 28. Drugs – the law Emergency First Aid 29. First aid – coping with an emergency 30. Shock and resuscitation Section 4 – Citizenship The UK’s role in the world 31. The European Union 32. The UK and the EU 33. The UK and NATO 34. The UK and the Commonwealth 35. The United Nations Global challenges – wars, weapons and terrorism 36. Wars, weapons and arms races 37. What is terrorism? 38. Fighting terrorism Global challenges 39. Environmental issues 40. Taking action to protect the environment Working for change 41. Campaigning for change 42. Campaigning for change Co-operating on a community project 43. Volunteering 44. Getting involved in a community project Section 5 – Economic and financial capability Managing your money 45. Borrowing money 46. Work and pay Economy 47. The UK economy 48. How the UK economy works 49. How the global economy works Section 6 – Reviewing 50. Reviewing and recording your learning
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