Student Book 4 ISBN: 9780008129408

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Your Life provides the only whole school solution for combining Citizenship and PSHE at Key Stage 3 and 4. The fourth editions of this bestselling series contains extensive materials on Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability. Section 1: Personal wellbeing 1. Developing your identity and image A sense of identity Behaviour and self-image 2. Managing your emotions and moods How do you manage how you feel? Assertiveness 3. Changing relationships Friends and family Exploring love 4. Coping with crises Separation and divorce Bereavement Leaving home 5. Thinking ahead – planning your future Assessing your skills and investigating careers Why work experience Getting started on work experience Section 2: Social education 6. Britain – a diverse society How did Britain begin Is there a national identity and culture in Britain Is Britain racist? 7. Human rights What are human rights? What are responsibilities? 8. Rights and responsibilities Parental responsibility What is work?/The law at work Consumers and traders 9. Challenging offensive behaviour Understanding prejudice Fighting discrimination Section 3: Keeping healthy 10. Healthy eating Eating and body shape Healthy eating and junk food 11. Safer sex and contraception What is the right time to have sex? Practising safer sex 12. Drinking and smoking Understanding why people drink and smoke 13. Health matters Keeping healthy Healthcare check Section 4: Citizenship 14. The law of the land What is the law?/Making the law Civil law and criminal law 15. Crimes and punishment Criminal responsibility The Youth Justice system Punishment and sentencing 16. It’s your government The UK Parliament Government Finance Voting and elections Devolution Democracy 17. It’s your council Local government 18. Working for change How can you change things National Pressure groups Youth Projects Section 5: Citizenship – Economic and financial capability 19. Managing your money Budgeting How to manage your finances 20. Financing businesses Money for businesses Business cost and budgeting 21. Enterprise challenge What is an enterprise challenge? Making a business plan Section 6: Reviewing 22. Reviewing and recording learning
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