Student Book 3 ISBN: 9780008328993

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Your Choice Book 3 covers the 2019 Health, Relationships and Sex Education curriculum, offering advice and practical techniques for managing students’ time, money, emotions and health. Topics are organised into four strands to offer a coherent, progressive PSHE course for Years 7 to 9. Each unit can be taught on its own, at any point during Key Stage 3 that the school thinks is appropriate. In Student Book 3: · Personal wellbeing and mental health units concentrate on building confidence and self-esteem, and coping with stress, anxiety and depression. · Relationships and sex education units explore sexuality and gender identity, different types of partnership and marriage, and pregnancy and parenthood. · Physical health and wellbeing units include a focus on drugs, body image and the dangers of gambling. · Social education units look outwards to the local community and to global Citizenship issues. The content has been trialled by a team of PSHE teachers and RSE experts. The series is accompanied by a detailed teacher guide.
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