RSPB 365 Outdoor Activities You Have to Try ISBN: 9781409348191
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Get ready for the great outdoors! This best-selling reference book for children explores nature with a new activity every day of the year. Wherever you are in the world, observe and interact with the wonders of nature in an exciting variety of ways.
Watch shooting stars, build a frog house, or cook using the Sun! Produced in association with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Europe's leading wildlife charity, RSPB 365 Outdoor Activities You Have To Try! is crammed full of 365 ideas for outdoor pursuits to keep little ones occupied and learning through the seasons and school holidays.
From easy-to-do garden projects for younger kids to more ambitious building projects for older boys and girls, there are activities for all ages, interests, and abilities. You only need readily available materials such as paper, sand, or soil to take projects from start to finish, using step-by-step instructions and clear photography every step of the way.