Nordic History (PDF) ISBN: 9781876659844EL

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Siri Ingvaldsen , Thomas Larsson , Erik Overgaard Pedersen The Nordic Nations are a modern success story. By many measures, these countries are amongst the most successful on Earth. Positioned on the northern border of Europe but still very much in the mainstream of Western European culture, the Nordic Nations have developed excellent health, social and education systems as well as strong economic growth. Authors Siri Ingvaldsen, Thomas Larsson and Erik Overgaard Pedersen explain how these countries have developed in the period since the Napoleonic wars, surviving European conflicts and internal friction to become modern states The resource has been written for the European regional option HL. It is directly intended for the topic 12 (Developments in 19 and 20th century Scandinavia and Finland) but will also serve as good material for other topics, e.g., 10 (19th century educational, cultural and intellectual developments), 19 (Post-war western Europe to 1995) and 20 (20th century European society) The resource contains sections on Denmark, Finland, Iceland, the Faeroes, Greenland, Aaland, Norway and Sweden and is attractively illustrated. Each section has a set of Discussion Questions, Essay Topics and a Summary Timeline. There is also a comprehensive bibliography. This is a full colour master which may be copied for use only within the purchasing school. It will be delivered electronically. This file is large (~7 MB) and you may need access to broadband.You will receive a copy of a pdf by email within 24 hours after your payment is processed
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