Lou Out of Luck ISBN: 9781406366563
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The lives and loves of Lou Brown, Girl Out of Luck.
Poverty sucks. Dads timing the familys showers and refusing to turn on the heating. Mum has arranged for Lou to get lifts to school with Drippy Dermot and his eccentric mother in the Van of Doom. And lentils seem to feature in Every Single Meal. Lou is still coming down from her brief moment of TV super-stardom and getting to grips with the fact that - hold the news - She Has A Boyfriend, but with both parents out of work, life isnt all plain sailing. Throw in Hannahs obsession with the school prom, Dads strange shed activity and Lavs brief flirtation with a modelling career, and suddenly training a dance troupe to swim underwater seems like a walk in the park.