How To...Horse Riding ISBN: 9781405391498

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Saddle up for the best read on horse riding. This leading title from the popular "How to..." reference series of books is designed to help children learn everything about horses and ponies, from care and grooming in the stables to jumping and dressage in competitions. Even absolute beginners can pick up the reins with this comprehensive horse riding manual presented for younger readers. The book goes back to basics by introducing horse breeds and body parts before detailing how kids get ready to ride. Simple step-by-step photographs and easy-to-follow instructions start with walking before picking up speed to cover trotting, cantering, and jumping. The final section takes a look at the fun you can have with more experienced riding, including the thrill of the horse show. How to... Horse Riding gives children all the confidence they need to pursue this exciting activity as a fun hobby or competitive sport. You'll be galloping to the gymkhana before you know it!
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