Facts and Games Y1/Y2 ISBN: 9780007531301
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Fluency in Number Facts – Facts and Games Book Year 1 and Year 2 for Key Stage 1 contains two sections: Maths facts and Paired games. Maths facts provide comprehensive lists of all the maths facts children need to know at each key stage and Paired games provide a fun way for children to practise and consolidate maths facts.
Pupil Fluency Book for Y1/Y2 contains:
• games and activities arranged according to the three Key Aspects: Number, place value and rounding, Addition and subtraction and Multiplication and division
• objectives at the top of each page so the child is in control of their own learning
• clear and accessible lists of the key addition, subtraction, multiplication and division number facts that children need to be able to recall instantly
• a bank of paired games to help children become fluent in each of the three Key Aspects
• engaging and colourful artwork.