Economics Workbook ISBN: 9781921917196

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Paul Hoang This Economics Workbook is intended for use by students following the International Baccalaureate Diploma course in Economics, first examination May 2013. The Workbook can be used as end-of-topic reviews throughout the two-year course or as a revision tool prior to the examinations. The book’s many features include: • cloze ‘fill-in-the-blank’ tasks • key terms • concept quizzes • short-answer examination-style questions based on the Learning Outcomes of the syllabus • ... and 860 multiple choice questions. For teachers, the Workbook can: • help reduce lesson-planning time • promote independent learning. A graduate of Economics in London, Paul Hoang has taught in the UK and Hong Kong, where he is part of the Senior Leadership Team at Sha Tin College. He is an examiner and an IB Workshop Leader for the Diploma Programme in Economics
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