Connected History Key Stage 1 and 2 (digital download) ISBN: 9780008274634
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Collins Connected History, a Teachers Professional Development Programme, connects the primary history curriculum through enquiry based learning and has been carefully designed to increase the confidence and extend the professional expertise of all colleagues teaching history to children at Key Stage 1 and 2.
Within this detailed and comprehensive learning and teaching programme primary teachers will find everything they require to provide a modern, relevant and intellectually challenging history curriculum which also makes meaningful and rigorous links to other subjects. In providing such connections across the curriculum we recognise that much cross-curricular topic work in primary schools frequently has a history focus. As a result of this the Connected History programme can be used either to deliver history as a separate subject or as the focus for wide ranging cross-curricular work.
The Connected History programme for Key Stage 1 and 2 is made up of 18 historical enquiries. The programme has been written to ensure coverage of the subject content of the National Curriculum for history at Key Stage 1 and 2.
Within each enquiry teachers are provided with:
•Clear learning objectives;
•The context of the investigation together with background subject content knowledge about each topic to ensure that they are fully confident to support children in their historical learning through the enquiry;
•The key subject vocabulary that will be introduced and/or consolidated during the enquiry;
•Details of National Curriculum coverage in both history and other subject areas to which the enquiry is connected;
•Comprehensive learning and teaching activities which are fully explained;
•Suggested opportunities for assessment during learning activities and at the end of each enquiry;
•Homework possibilities;
•A wealth of wide ranging and multimedia resources to support the historical learning of the children through the enquiry.